Friday 2 October 2015

Mamo. Tato. Przepraszam................. (Moze tato troche bardziej)

Tak. Oto moj maly projekt, ktory urzeczywistnialem przez ostatni miesiac, moze troche wiecej.
Wszystko zaczelo sie dosc niespodziewanie, przypadkiem przegladajac aukcje w internecie. Traf na GS1200SS, ktory nie wystepuje w Europie, po szlifie ok. 1,5 h od Ohakune. 
Nastpnego popoludnia smigamy na "cruise" do Whanagnui i po 15 minutach przygladania sie pakujemy, spinamy i smigamy z powrotem(co nieco polujac wracajac :P)

Szlif byl, olej wylany, nie da sie odpalic. Kciuki trzymamy mocno, ze wszystko bedzie dobrze...... Reszte sie jakos ogarnie:)

Tak byl spakowany. Czyz nie ladne dwa klasyki ?

W zwiazku z tym, ze tylko 40 sztuk bylo importowanych do NZ, naprawde ciezko znalezc czesci. Duzo telefonow, kombinacji, poszukiwan. I tydzien po tygodniu czesci splywaja. W miedzy czasie naprawy i ogarnianie tego co sie da bez czesci.
Powazniej wyglada spawanie bloku po szlifie, ale mamy magika do tego po sasiedzku, wiec nie ma stresu wielkiego.

W miedzy czasie, nie bedac do konca pewnym czy maszyna nawet odpali, zaczynam kolekcjonowac sprzet do jazdy, bo jestem przekonany ze odpali :)
Tak oto pojawia sie wiecej znanych motocyklowych marek "na mnie".

Sidi :)

Scott :)


Givi :D


A w miedzy czasie motocykl "sie naprawia". Praktycznie kazdy wieczor spedzam w garazu dlubiac i starajac sie doprowadzic do uzywalnosci :)
Lubie takie wieczory przy piwku, zapachu benzyny, smar na rekach(ktorego nie mozna domyc przez nastepny tydzien.......) i czasem towarzystwo nawet do pomocy sie znalazlo :)

Troche ubogo wyglada, ale jest potencjal :)

Po spawaniu bloku, nastapil dlugo wyczekiwany wieczor. Aku naladowane, swiezy olej wlany...... 3 krotki proby i BBBBUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMM !!!!!!

Sie znaczy, silnik nie wybuchl, tylko pusty wydech dal oznake zycia :)
Jest glosno, cala wies staje na nogi jak tylko budzi sie do zycia motocykl :)

W Polsce jest krowa(Walec), jest wariat(VFR). W Azji byl wozik(150cc).
Teraz padlo na Cafe Racer. Nie z wyboru. Czysty przypadek, ale radosc wcale nie mniejsza :D

Wiec, co z vanem? Bo w gruncie rzeczy posiadam teraz dwa pojazdy.
Van idzie na sprzedaz, choc ciezko bo naprawde dobrze trafilem i troche doinwestowalem przez zime, wiec spokojnie mozna by w nim przesmigac ten rok tutaj. 
Motocykl jest po prostu lepszy. Bedzie zimno, bedzie morko, bedzie malo ciuchow i malo rzeczy ktore bede mogl zabrac ze soba. Beda komplikacje i duzo ADRENALINY !!
1200 pojemnosc, 100 koni i ok. 220 kg wagi przy sportowym usposobieniu, zawieszeniu. ULULULULUALALALALALA !!!!!

Jest RADOSC :)

Winter, winter.......

Winter....... What can I do?

Well, I do pretty well skiing and first months in NZ are ALL about SKIING :D:D
Turoa is pretty awesome place for skiing. Plenty off piste and decent on-piste.
Everyday different skiis(almost, apart of my favourites which I used quite often).
Difficult to carry around my camera, so only shots from the phone and only on stops, but still AWESOME !!!!

A short "session" in the "cave" :)

Happy :)

Safety first..... Look after :)

Hello Bluebird day :)


Cheers Bro !!!

That's me. Ski bum.  Making the most of my time here, as we live only once.

Friday 4 September 2015

An ordinary month................

It is time to write something. It's been 3 months since I've arrived and a little update from my side would be nice. So after sorting out first things in Auckland, setting my self up a bit I left for a little road trip. Plan was to get fast to south Island and spent some time there. Didn't work out that way in the end, but little more about that later.....

So here it is my month and some of things which I did in this time :)

In order to avoid driving on boring highway I took detour to west coast. First proper stop was in Whanganui. Nice little town with a few old buildings and river. Like it :)
Here is one of the old buildings :)

Then was Wellington, capital city. Windy as ........., but I had really good time hosted by friend of a friend of a friend :P

I even gave a hug to an old native tree :) 600 years old :D

First swim in the ocean. In the winter time.......... PRETTY COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually it was damn cold !!!!!!

After short time in Wellington I took ferry and started "roadtrippin' " on South Island.
Every single person by far was telling that North Island is nothing compare to South. Expectation pretty high though.

It has started pretty well with was some stunning roads in Milford Sounds. I've tried few roads around the world, but I must admit that landscapes here are just epic.....

Near Kaikoura I found little spot with waterfall and baby seals playing around. I could actually touch them and play a bit. That is not happening daily......

I've seen some sunsets literally out of my window :) First nights sleeping in my van as well turned out to be awesome. Every breakfast in different spot, every dinner in different place but at the same time at home ;)
Yes, hard to say and imagine it but I call a van my home already :) What's more, I like it :)

As I arrive here in the time where most of the people leave it must be a certain reason for it. It is. Winter. Couple of years brake from winter sports in a way which I used to have them, so time to change it. Priority hang around mountains and snow :D
First mountain town, Methven with Mt. Hutt. I tried to stay around and catch some job. Didn't work in the way I wanted, but nice people around and good contacts for future. Although standards are totally different from Europe, which I will hopefully explain in future....

Another "camping" spot on South Island. This time of the year offers plenty of privacy and not many people around :)
But sometimes you meet people, so it is nice to ask them for a picture :)

Hello. Slawek, the little traveler in New Zealand :)

Situations changes really fast and only after one week on South Island I got a job opportunity back on North Island. So, without hesitating for long time I drove all the way back, paid the ferry again and changed basically all plan.
Opportunity arose in Ohakune under Mt Ruapehu. Didn't consider it seriously before, but life can surprise :)
So, again in Wellington after ferry with Laura again. Another good time. I visited Te Papa Museum, feed native birds in Zelandia, went for a concert and much more......

Hello Birds !!

There was another colony of seals. This time big ones, so not much playing around with them :P
If you think that your bed is uncomfortable, try "seal" way :)

Here is Wellington from one of the hills. Isn't that a nice view?

So, Ohakune. The place where I am going to spend next couple of weeks.
I am at the moment Ski Technician at ski shop in the town. New experience and looking at skiing from different perspective. Looking forward and actually pretty excited with skiing in New Zealand :D
It started very, very active. With "Kiwi" experience full noise.

I even got to pretend a deer :D

And after butcher it :D

There was also a paintball game where I received a head shot, but I still feel that my team won the game :D

So here I am. This was more less my month in short cut. Until skiing season is finished I am going to work few hours in the shop, ski till the dark and learn about "kiwi way of living". Small town, every one knows each other, one grossery shop around, one liquor shop, few bars and restaurants for tourists.
Is it a first step before coming back to "big city life" or is it first step towards nature and stepping back from civilization? Will see, but definietly it is a good life lesson.
As the locals says: " If you can ski Ruapehu, you can ski anywhere in the world" :)

An ordinary month. Make it worth !!

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Kia Ora ! - czyli Witaj po tutejszemu

Kia Ora Nowa Zelandia. Czas cos tutaj napisac, bo troche czasu minelo od mojego ostatniego posta.
Pewnie wiele rzeczy sie zdarzylo dotychczas, choc dla mnie to zupelnie inaczej wyglada.
Wiec najpierw Auckland. Najwieksze miasto i prawie polowa calej populacji tutaj mieszka. No sa wiezowce, wiele sie dopiero buduje. Blokow niewiele, za to cala masa domow. Tutaj sie wynajmuje dom na spolke, a nie mieszkanie tak jak w EU. Sa gorki wszedzie, wygasle wulkany, i duzo duzo zieleni. Starych budynkow niewiele, bo co tu moze byc stare w koncu. Transport miejski kicha. Taxi drogie, wiec kazdy ma swoj samochod i nim sie porusza. Odleglosci w samym Auckland sa duze, wiec jest to wrecz koniecznosc.
Mam to szczescie, ze znam kogos lokalnego wiec zostalem odebrany z lotniska, a wieczorem i zreszta przez caly weekend celebrowalismy przybycie tutaj oraz urodziny dobroczyncy :)
Z Kiwi sie ciezko celebruje. W ogole nie chca slyszec, ze czlowiek zmeczony, ze dlugi lot, ze godziny jakies inne tutaj maja i w sumie to teraz jest srodek nocy dla mnie i tak dalej mozna....... Nie bylo wyjscia, trzeba bylo celebrowac......... :D Tak mijaly weekendy gdy chlopaki mieli wolne, a w tygodniu ja mialem wiecej czasu dla siebie i zajmowanie sie swoimi sprawami organizacyjnymi. 

Z nie planowanych rzeczy zobaczylem nowego Mad Maxa w kinie, zapomnialem jak sie znalazlem na kanapie po ostatnim wieczorze, zatanczylem taniec z Kiwi dziewczyna, choc tez do konca nie pamietam i wygralem zaklad ale zapomnialem o co :D 

Z ciekawostek, robi sie tutaj wczesnie ciemno, wiec normalne jest chodzenie spac o 8 czy 9 wieczorem. Potem do 7 - 8 - 9 rano sie spi. Oj duzo sie tutaj spi......

Jest bardzo wilgotno, wiec chlodno. W domu powinno sie miec zainstalowany pochlaniacz wilgoci. A dodatkowo domy nie maja centralnego i zadnej izolacji(podobno nowe budownictwo ma, ale nie sprawdzone jeszcze przeze mnie), wiec jak dobrze wieje i jest chlodno, to czuc jak wiatr doslownie przewiewa przez dom....brrrr......zimno....(A GDZIE MOJ KOMINEK U AGI?!?!?!?!) 

Wszyscy na ulicy sie sobie klaniaja(praktycznie) i milo zaczynaja krotka rozmowe, a jak sobie chcesz pogadac wiecej to po prostu kontynujesz rozmowe. Bardzo przyjazni ludzie i tacy jakby wyluzowani.

Predkosc max to 100 km/h na autostradzie, ale rowniez poza terenem zabudowanym. I wszyscy mniej wiecej sie tego trzymaja. Wiec nie wiem czy mozna to nazwac autostrada w sumie, no ale powiedzmy ze sa dwa pasy w kazdym kierunku. Ciezarowki tez jada 100km/h, wiec wszyscy maja po rowno :)

Juz w pierwszy dzien aplikowalem o IRD, czyli taki lokalny NIP zeby mozna bylo legalnie pracowac i zabralem sie organizowanie swojego zycia tutaj.
W sumie spedzilem 10 dni w Auckland, troszke zwiedzajac, troszke imprezujac weekendowo i poznajac kiwi zycie :)

Pozniej cos wiecej napisze :)

Pomnik na wygaslym wulkanie. Cos na pewno symbolizowal......


W ogrodzie botaniczym

A tutaj odplywam promem do Devenport. Ladna dzielnica i pare rzeczy do zobaczenia tam :)

A to taka sciezka nadmorska. W samym Auckland. I jak zielono!

To juz widok z kolejnej gorki. Mozna pochodzic tunelami z czasow wojny oraz powspinac sie na szczyt, gdzie kiedys byly dziala. Ja chcialbym zwrocic uwage na lawke. Niby niczego sobie lawka, ale porosnieta grzybem czy porostem w najwiekszym miescie NZ. Pamietac!! Oddychac pelna piersia i czyscic pluca z europejskiego brudu!!!!

Jeszcze mnie nie bylo. Wiec to ja z panorama.... Wialo jak cholera, ale co tam....

Jedna z wycieczek na wytrzezwienie. To tez jest w Auckland........

I na plazy dla ochlodzenia!

Witaj Pacyfiku :)

Czarna piaskowa wydma. A dookola zielono. I strumyk. I jeziorko. I wciaz jestesmy w Auckland :P

Wednesday 27 May 2015

New ...........

Nowy rozdzial, nowe wyzwanie, nowa przygoda - Nowa Zelandia.

Wytrzymalem troche w Danii, troche w Polsce ale tym razem brakowalo mi czegos. Ale czego? Przeciez jest rodzina, mogla by byc jakas praca, mieszkanie czekalo, cieple miejsce. No niby wszystko pasuje, ale jednak cos wciaz nie tak.
Podjalem troche ryzykownych decyzji w ostatnim czasie i pomimo watpliwosci czy dobrze postepuje czuje ze byly one konieczne.
Jezeli czujesz ze cos jest nie tak w Twoim zyciu, ze nie jestes w zgodzie ze soba, to dlaczego trwac w tym? Jezeli ciagnie cie w jakims innym kierunku? Nie czulem ze teraz jest moment i miejsce na powrot do "normalnosci".
Potrzebuje zobaczyc jeszcze troche swiata, dowiedziec sie czegos nowego, podgladnac ludzi zyjacych na innym kontynencie, koontynuowac poszukiwanie swojego miejsca na ziemii i recepty na szczesliwe zycie wiec z wiza working-holiday sprawdze sie w Nowej Zelandii przez najblizszy rok.
Sposob dostania wizy mozna znalezc na internecie wiec nie bede opisywac, co najwyzej zaznacze ze jestem jednym ze 100 szczesliwcow z Polski ktorzy ja otrzymali na rok 2015.
Bilet kupilem na dwa tygodnie przed odlotem, czekajac az decyzja o wylocie "dojrzeje" we mnie i tyle tez czasu dalem sobie na bezposrednie przygotowania do wyjazdu. Wyjazdu zdecydowanie innego niz poprzedni, gdzie bylem turysta przede wszystkim. Teraz musze pracowac, ale moge to robic legalnie wiec cos powinno sie udac z tego poskladac. Wyjazdu innego, bo jest inne nastawienie. O ile konczac Azje wiedzialem czego sie moge spodziewac po powrocie - mniej wiecej. O tyle tym razem jade w ciemno, zaczynam od zera i musze stosunkowo szybko cos zaczac osiagac.
Psychicznie tez jest inaczej. Wyjezdzam z czystym kontem, zostawiajac za soba dotychczasowe zycie i probujac je ulozyc na nowo. Rowniez nie bylo zadnej listy rzeczy do zabrania. Wykorzystujac juz doswiadczenie oraz taki spokoj umyslu spakowalem caly swoj dobytek na najblizszy rok do duzego plecaka. Razem z malym plecakiem calego majdanu jest raptem ok. 25 kg na 4 pory roku(bo tyle wystepuje w NZ).
Hej!! Ale przeciez mam spakowane 3 pary jeansow(ostatnio nie bylo nawet 1), sweter, ciepla bluze, wiecej 3 pary majtek i pare moich ulubionych kolorowych par skarpetek. Co wiecej czlowiekowi potrzeba do szczescia?! Mam normalne buty, nie tylko sandaly i klapki. Jak niesamowicie sie robi na sama mysl o tych wszystkich dobrodziejstwach ktore zabieram ze soba:)

Pomimo watpliwosci, delikatnego strachu i nie pewnosci wyjezdzam spokojny. Wiem, ze nie ma innego wyjscia niz sobie poradzic - co wczesniej zawsze jakos sie udawalo. Nic pewnego tam na mnie nie czeka, ale wciaz czuje ze jest to wlasciwy kierunek we wlasciwym momencie.

Posrod rozmow pojawialy sie opinie skrajne - zazdrosc, podziw, negacja, aprobata, zdziwienie- ile ludzi, tyle pogladow. Z mojej strony nie robie nic innego niz probuje wykorzystac okazje i "mlode" lata na probowanie i zbieranie doswiadczenia. Zycie mamy w koncu tylko jedno i na dodatek krotkie bardzo, wiec nie potrafie sobie wyobrazic nie probowac go chociaz ciekawie przezyc. Czy nie przespie czegos w zyciu? Czy nie przegapie jakiejs okazji na kariere czy inwestycje? Moze i tak wlasnie bedzie. Moze za dwa czy trzy miesiace bede musial napisac ze ostatnie grosze wydalem na bilet powrotny i jedna wielka klapa? A moze uda mi sie tam powoli zaczac cos malego, przetrwac i zwiedzic obie wyspy, a dalej zobaczymy - bo pewnie do tego czasu rok mojej wizy juz minie.
Chcialbym znac odpowiedzi na te pytania bez wyjazdu, ale inaczej niz probujac tego nie stwierdze. Dlatego z podniesiona glowa, checia do dzialania i wiara w siebie i swoje umiejetnosci ruszam do Nowej Zelandii.

Czas odpowie czy to byla dobra decyzja.

Optymistycznie musi byc na koniec, wiec moze zacytuje: "Nie wszyscy ktorzy szukaja sa zagubieni" :)

PS W koncu przekrocze rownik :D

PS 2 Czyz Nowa Zelandia nie bedzie pieknym krajem gdzie bedac 30 % mniejsza od Polski ma raptem 4,5 mln mieszkancow?  A przy wjezdzie do kraju prosza o umycie butow, zeby czasem nie przywiezc jakis zarazkow ? Bedzie dziko, bedzie zielono i bedzie duzo wody dookola. Bedzie co robic !!!!!

Wednesday 20 May 2015

I'm sorry Surprise

After 48 hours of traveling back to Europe via Guangzhou(really shit airport), Amsterdam, Warsaw, Krakow finally to Bochnia. We have used trains, buses, taxis, planes, van. Very, very long way and we were super tired. Also we had to wait some hours as no one was home at that day........

But all the efforts were worth this moment. Unforgettable moment and no description is necessary.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Last month in Asia

Last month in Asia. When I was leaving for the trip, I started without a plan of going back(when, how and where), but because of Lucia's influence I have decided to finish my trip together with her and go back to Europe. We did a bit of planning together, but mainly in matter of bookings some flight tickets and placing a time frame for our trip. So, we did. The rest of planning was on me. Again being a guide, companion and fixer :)  A month in Asia together. My last month in Asia. Going from Bangkok to Kuala Lumpur on my small motorbike. We haven't seen each other for 8 month, so it was looooooooooooooooooong brake and I was actually waiting for "the moment" to happen. A bit afraid, a bit insecure, nervous and impatient but very happy for this finally to happen and be together again. Here it comes.

The very first "Hi Lu" on Suvarnabhumi Airport with some flowers and her clothes not exactly fitting the weather outside(Danish weather clothes :P). I must admit that a women managing to pack her self to small backpack for a month is not easy to find ;P

After two days with my parents and first bus ride(for her and also for me :P) in SE Asia to Phetchaburi from Bangkok. White Monkey hostel and we got to well know place for dinner.

Cannot miss Kings Palace in Phetchaburi. First time alone(meeting a friend of Chanon), second guiding parents and third with Lu. Still, didn't get tired of the place and had fun. Lucia got to know monkeys very well and since then she was afraid of them.......

Special monkey interest was in the red - hanging shawl.

Since we were together, the flag on the bike had to upgraded(I got that ready few days earlier), so here it is Malaysian Yamaha FZ150i in Thailand with polish-spanish crew :)

Full gear set. Proper jackets with airwents are must-have there, then some knee protections and helmets(surprisingly Lu's head is too small for finding a proper helmet in Asia :O). First proper day on bike. First serious pain in the ass for Lu :P 

It was tough time for Yamaha. Extra person, extra luggage, but I can't complain. Everything is possible if you want. Everything is possible in Asia. Is not always about size :P

Food corner. Well, I couldn't eat as usually, but after few tries we got better and better. Even some happiness with eating.....

We even saw a local theater. Far too noisy and a lot screaming/shouting. But good experience.

Night chill in local bar with some Premier League on TV.

And finally I got to have some pictures of my self........ :D

Beach created for English tourist. They brought STONES for sandy beach in order to have it like in UK. EEEHhhhh.............. no commments......... but we were happy ;)

Phraya Nakon Cave. Quite outstanding place.

Please don't look at my T-shirt. It is not the point of that picture. Actually it took many tries for getting the background focus and us visible. Appreciate !!!!!

Sometimes Spaniards have difficulties to bare with hot, so here comes Polish help with carrying around ;)

Someone is hungry............

Chilling out. Hammock - the greatest invention of all the times :D

Black sand, but the place is magical. No one around in few km radius, great resort, great food, great views.........

And the temple :)

And unique east coast short stop. Here you can find Thailand. Raw, tough, "wild".

Just look.

Another dinner. Drinks, fresh seafood, fresh vegetables, super company and great vibe in the place. What more you want ?!

I have been waiting for this moment for 8 months. Diving course !! Finally !!! Our companions were let's say a bit isolated, but still great fun !! We went for Koh Tao and Simple Life school. If I could I would spend there a month diving :D

The weight of gear for man and woman is the same, so it is a bit of an issue for Lu to move around with extra 20 kg on her back. She managed very well. We got the same air usage underwater, so here plus for me :D(In the end I am almost twice bigger :P)

I couldn't miss a chance for making a Open Water Certificate with 30 m depth. Lu wasn't that convinced, but I hope that one day you will have some fun with deep dives :D

So, here we come to the end of Koh Tao. Great island(on low season months, as I can't imagine this place in high season). Plenty of tourists, but the diving is amazing and I would go only for that.

Then we treat ourselfs very well on next island. Koh Lanta. Low season. Big resort(with only few guests inside). Total chill, sunbathing, swimming pool, trips around island and small surprise. Just behind swimming pool there was a beach.

This one could be a postcard or advertisement for a hotel or beginning of some kind of movie..... or think about it your self. A model, swimming pool, blue sky and palms. I was lucky guy :)

There were little surprises. I tend to make them sometimes to some people. Here is one of them for Lu. A cooking class. Very useful in daily life in future :D

So here are herbs and spices...... I knew a few, but damn there are so many......

The Thai cooking master name: Akkapak Buayah. He was a very unique person :D Looking at me too often......... Good cooking and pretty well teaching, specially when we were only two for learning :D

But we made it. 6 hours and 6 dishes :D Ended up a bit drunk, with super full stomach and great experience for future. From today we cook only Thai in Akkapak style :D

This was the end of our(and also mine) Thailand. Amazing country, great people, outstanding food and soooo many things to do. I will be coming back to that country in my memories(and hopefully in person) very often ! So, Malaysia here we come. After 6 months I am coming back to the place where I bought motorcycle. It went so fast........
We can't miss Georgetown. My favorite city in Malaysia(and probably in all Asia). I had to take Lu there and at least try to show what I loved in that city. Maybe my good feeling of that city is that after my arrival in Malaysia(after Nepal and India) it was really different. Clean, mixed history with today, mix of cultures, you can find everything there. For Lu, after experiencing so many things in Thailand the bar was set up very high. I hope it didn't disappointed her.

Some new street art were found by us :)

As well Lu have tried durian. Not in the natural form or not even expected. She had chosen as desert a waffle with "fruit" ice-cream. When I tried it, I knew that she didn't wanted THAT fruit. No matter what, it was a lot of fun looking at her while she was "dealing" with durian icecream :D
As well in Georgetown I sold the motorbike for very good price(unfortunately for buyer, not me - but I didn't want to fool around with it. Just get rid of it and enjoy last days in Asia), so from now on taxis, busses, trains etc.

Next stop was Malacca. I have heard many stories about that city from fellow travelers and I made a little mistake here. I created a bit of expectations after they place it higher in ranking then Georgetown. The first impression was not the best. We arrived early and at the hotel reception we heart that room is not ready, we can move in at 1 pm(it was 7 am). The picture shows unhappy Slawek.......

Yupi...... At least we can see the city in the morning :D(after 12 h in bus.......)

Malacca. City full of history which is compressed into hundreds of museums(maybe 4 or 6, but still tooooooooo many). So, we got to some entertainment activities around........

First only banana shop :)

As bus travelers we went for fancy dinner, walked the canals and took also canal tour. Tourist full power :) We got interesting Company of Australian couple which works on luxurious boats.

We ate even some soil with little plant on the top.

I really don't want to go into another museum...........

Malacca, not the best memory(I know that most of people will say totally different, but sic!). Too many museums, too many Chinese tourists, too few old buildings and too few things to do. Finally, Lu got food poisoning, so we had very interesting trip in a bus to KL. Luckily we were only 4 in all bus, so somehow we manage. Malacca, you didn't do your best.......

In KL, as our last stop in Asia we needed a proper hotel. So we got one. Exactly in the center, with super thick windows(so all the noise was out), rooftop swimming pool and nice, helpful reception.

We got to see the biggest open bird park in Asia. Luckily the birds didn't poo at this time. Special thanks to photographer for cutting our legs(it is his damn job to take pictures, but no one told him how to make one :D)

At national mosque we were told to became nuns. Very funny to fool around in 50 degrees outside under thick bed sheet.

And the Petronas Towers with huge shopping mall under them - off course we didn't miss shopping there a little bit :D

Looks nice, isn't it? It was. It is totally different to share experiences, places and feelings while you traveling with the closest person for you. It is not only that you have some one to talk or complain to, help if you get sick, cheer up when you're down, there is creation of special bond. Unique. It is so different then traveling alone, that you can't compare them. 

Our trip. I did my best to show the good side of Asia with pointing out the bad things there. I tried to show my daily life as "traveler", but as well to satisfy Spanish-tourist-danish missing sun person expectations. I hope that after all there is a little seed of traveler in you Lu. That you understand my decision of traveling to Asia a bit more, that you understand me a bit better after all. 

The memories from this amazing month will be always with me.