Wednesday 1 April 2015

Khmer empire in Thailand

You can go to Savanakhet, Sukhotai or to Ayutthaya to visit old Khmer temples or all city complexes. Unfortunately you are going to hit there the highest number of  tourists. Those places are most popular, described in every guide book and they are very close to Bangkok, so you can easily get a bus in this direction. There are so many tourist companies organizing trips to Ayutthaya and parking lots are always full here. I have visited all 3 of them. Some before those the places where I took following pictures, some later. In my personal opinion temples in East Isan are far better. You can relax there, sit down, contemplate and imagine how it looked like before. Rarely you will find other tourists here. Some monks maybe, small restaurants and beautiful quietness surrounding you.
The temples are located in Ta Phraya, Phimay and surroundings of Ban Kruat. Some of them are beeing renovated, some already after restoration, but generally speaking I can say that they are pretty well preserved and compare to most popular Ayutthaya where some of building are fully reconstructed looks real and "oldish". 

Sculptures are pretty amazing. Many details, but those ones looks fairly new.

In the temples you can actually walk almost everywhere. Touch and feel the place.

Green stuff is always around :D

They didn't let me to Cambodia, so I had to find a replacement.

Stone puzzle

Someone is even taking care

Let's pray together

Not everything is perfect, but still the colors are keeping the standard.

There was far too many of those temples, so I did a small brake. Here in front of last year Football Champions in Thailand. Buriram !


Even monks were around !

Blue sky, green trees and red stone. What more you can ask for?

Something really important in the temple.

Some description for history lovers

I'm starting to like more B&W

They even had ponds with nice flowers and hopefully no snakes around......

Khmer. Not much description. You can find that on wikipedia. Enjoy pictures and travel there one day !!!!!

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